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$297 USD
$37 USD
$197 ($100 OFF)

Limited time offer!: Grab your copy of “The Perfect Workday Series™” now---> 21 days of motivational two minute “Mojo Moment” audios to help you wake up feeling refreshed & inspired, with crystal clear intentions, so you can powerfully increase your focus and joy and raise your productivity up to 200%. This will help you create your perfect work-day environment in advance of the day ahead, so you can avoid all workplace drama and start loving your work. You will discover how to thrive, even when you have intense daily workloads and regardless of what's happening around you. This is only available here at this special one-time-offer price. Normally priced at $197. Get it NOW for just $37USD

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What's Included:
  • Step-by-Step premium training videos 
  •  Workbooks and Worksheets
  •  Mindfulness practices and meditations
  • Access to the Empowered Changes Leaders - Accountability Group on LinkedIn
  • ​Bonus Inclusions
Exclusive Bonuses:
  • The Power of Expression in Change Journal
  • Peak Flow Meetings Cheatsheet
  • ​The Balanced Leader

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